Sunday, November 7, 2010

My wonderful Sunday

I'm so happy Denise got her fabric for Thine Is The Trick And The Treat by Prairie Moon. So we can start our mini SAL with it, I was excited to hear this. Yes I said so excited past tense, ready for a long story.

I got my pattern quite a while ago, made myself a working copy thank goodness. I hummed and hawed about fabric then decided to try dyeing my own which turned out fantastic. The only thin I was left with was deciding on thread, my not so well stocked, not so local LNS didn't have much of a selection. I didn't want to use DMC I wanted to try something different so I went with Blacksmith Blue - Perle Cotton Floss by Crescent Colours. I was happy, just had to wait for Denise and if you look at her blog you can read about her frustrations so far. So anyway I got my fabric out, my chart out, my thread out to take a before pic and got distracted with a 2 and half year old and a potty training mishap. When I came back to gather my stuff to take a pic it wasn't there. So you probably imagining that things like that don't just walk away on there own. So I looked around a found what was left of my beautiful stash. You see I have a dog, who at the moment is not in my good graces. When Jack needs to be sick, he eats things outside mostly grass, leafs typical doggy behaviour. But in the house anything and everything is fair game so I found what was left of my floss mixed with who knows what with my fabric and chart. Like I said before super glad I made a working copy. So now I have no fabric and no floss. I'm not about to make the long drive to my not so local LNS so I will be dying more fabric this afternoon and stitching with DMC black. So I'm sure you will understand why no pics today, I'm sure most of you wouldn't appreciate the pics anyway. So hopefully bright and early I'll be stitching up a storm and will post a pic tomorrow.

Hope everyone has had a better day then me.

P.S A quick Thank You to Cat for showing me how to do my links the right way. Thank you Cat.


  1. Jack is lucky to live with you. Had it been me - he might be going to grandma's for a few days! I'm so sorry this happened! At least he ate the unstitched piece and not the almost finished project.

    Well, I can't wait to see what tomorrow bring!
    Smiles - Denise

  2. Oh my...what a shame! But I bet you still love that crazy pooch. Hope your day/tomorrow is a better one.....

  3. Yay you got it right!!!! I'm so proud! Bad doggie bad! Hope the dog will leave the project alone on this round!
