The top is almost done, if I can keep a certain 3 year old out of my floss, I would be laughing. So I'm off to the LNS to pick up the 3 colours that have magically vanished so I can finish up the letter blocks.

This week I'll be working on Sabrina, I've come to the conclusion that I will more then likely not get all of my 15 projects done by the end of the year, so I will be switching my rotation plan again.
I received this wonderful prize package last week in the mail from Cath over at

I knew that I had won the floss and fabric but Cath kindly added other goodies to the package including a new pair of scissors (a girl can never have to many, a cute little notebook, and a yummy chocolate lamb. Thanks again Cath for making my day a little brighter.
I quick note of apology I'm so far behind in my blog reading and commenting. I'm sorry if I'm missing important things I'm trying to catch up.